
Polygon of Asymmetry – Vyankatesh Katkar


Book Title: Polygon of Asymmetry
Author: Vyankatesh Katkar
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 648.0 KB
Print Length: 236 pages
Publisher: Marvin Press; 1 edition (1 June 2017)
Sold by: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited
Language: English

‘POLYGON OF ASYMETRY’ is really different because it is not dull and boring as most general social fictions are. It is racy like a thriller, full off interesting and gut churning events. Every page of this book is an absorbing experience. You will like to finish before you put it down. It is a remarkable story of a brave and wise orphan girl, who manages to extricate herself from most horrendous circumstances time and again. Then she wisely uses her wisdom and charm to secure her future to rise to great heights from the ashes of her past. And then destiny brings her face to face with a most sacrilegious dilemma that leads to tragic end. She rises again through her ashes again to live another story that is greater and grander in its essence and the message that, in spite of own suffering at the hands of society and destiny it is possible to dedicate one’s life to the selfless service of mankind. The real flavor of this drama can be absorbed only through personal reading of those pages.

My Review:
With a captivating title,an alluring book cover and a picture of a formally dressed girl “Polygon of Asymmetry” is a story of an orphan girl Uma’s journey of humiliation, dejection and difficulties she faced in her entire life post her mother’s death. This plot explains in detail the ill treatment every woman faces in her day to day life both on the personal n professional front. Sex enslavement plays enough role in the intrigue. As a reader, having analysed the earlier books of the author, I would say this is a completely different genre.
Every character in the plot has been weighed equally by the Author which is completely free from grammatical mistakes, Full marks to the thrill that one experiences throughout the entire book. Lady protagonist mimic present day girl and her day to day scenarios. Decent narration makes the book a definite page turner. enthralling story-line and vivid language are definitely to look for in this anecdote.

With an interesting thrilling fiction genre, fast paced story line, love, affection, time travelling, twists and real life relations. I personally rate “Polygon of Asymmetry – Vyankatesh Katkar” a 3.5/5

My Pick:
“Why is it so that woman is always at the receiving end? And why only women have to suffer all the restrictions and bondages?”

Kiran K Adharapuram

An ecstatic techie with 12+ years of experience currently outperforming as “IT DB Consultant” in one of the leading top-notch IT companies. With ample technological knowledge expertise and decent IT certifications under my belt plus impactful mastery of database knowledge of market-led providers

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