Thoughts & Reflections


Adorable video from #Ariel touched my heart and reinforce the need of the hour in this crisis situation.

Amidst the pandemic and other crisis that are shaking the world in recent times. As a popular saying goes “Expect the unexpected“, our lives took a 360 degree turn and we are forced to live a new normal living with many T&C’s.

However looking at good from every bad situation specifically for the working professionals where the myth of spending fruitful time with the life partners is a reality now.

In the difficult times family is not an important thing it’s “EVERYTHING” so as the daily chores load sharing be it washing dishes or helping in cooking or helping in laundry and the list goes on and on.


To all workaholic men, the new normal made us to realize the need of understanding the life partners and the need to support them with a dash of love and affection.

This family time taught me two chores that added in my daily to-do list 😉
1. Daily Laundry
2. Baby Sitting & Baby Care

Until the pandemic found its wings to spread my major achievement is put the used clothes in the laundry bag which I felt was a greatest achievement in helping house chores. Now as a give back to my lovely partner I started to offer and adapt the load sharing by taking the full in-charge of doing laundry (Wash/Fold/Press/Iron) and express a pinch of additional appreciation and gratitude to my dear wife. #ShareTheLaundry

I would also bring in the “Ariel India” #ShareTheLoad Movement. which align with my write-up. I am sure many husbands’ will agree my view point. Offering a helping hand to your partner in their daily chores will fetch you may inbuilt benefits (if you know what i mean 😉 )

Tip to Men: Give a try by helping your loved ones in their daily chore jobs you will realize what you were missing these many days ;). Trust me I really mean it.

Lets all pledge from this day I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda

Lastly I thank #Ariel for echoing the need to cherish a beautiful companionship and #ShareChoresMultiplyLove afterall “Time Spent With Family Is Worth Every Second” #Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Kiran K Adharapuram
In association with Ariel India and BlogAdda
#ShareTheLoad #ShareTheLaundry #ShareChoresMultiplyLove 

An ecstatic techie with 12+ years of experience currently outperforming as “IT DB Consultant” in one of the leading top-notch IT companies. With ample technological knowledge expertise and decent IT certifications under my belt plus impactful mastery of database knowledge of market-led providers

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