
Batman’s Guide To Life – Chetan Soni

Name: Batman’s guide to Life: Breaking myths since 1994
Author: Chetan Soni
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 2619 KB
Print Length: 91 pages
Publisher: Half Baked Beans (8 August 2018)

I have spent 14 years meditating, levitating and constipating. During this time, I happened to cross a tunnel and kept on thinking while crawling my way out that “will there be light at the end of the tunnel?” Indeed there was.

As I came out and dropped on my knees with my hands raised in air I heard a whisper, “What do you seek?” and the first words which came out of my mouth were “Sarcasm O’ Dear Lord.”

My Views:
Perfect À la carte of scorn retell and a teeny tale. This book carries a lot of positive elements which i’ve tried to compose and express in my words. Firstly, book cover which is simple yet an interesting one. I repudiate placing this book in any genre clause as it makes the readers think in various dimensions with humour filled sarcastic one liners.

The author of the book who is also the founder of a leading publishing house “Half Baked Beans” not only enables the other book authors to market their work with his power packed team but also keeps the readers engaged with his engrossing content.

Few samples of his one-liners
1. Silence is always filled with words
2. I fail everyday. But then, I wake up alive everyday too.
3. Your past decides your future.

This book kicks off in style with a considerable foreword justification of the title, then proceeds with witty fixates which finally the story of Kabir-Sonia. One of the interesting ideate mentioned in the book is the concept of the “letters“, i may not be able to reveal more than this in the interest of not letting out the suspense of the book.

Overall I rate this “Batman’s Guide To Life – Chetan Soni” a 4.5/5 which is a short and sweet read with humor as an integral part and a long – short story composed with a bonafide foreword.

I wish the content of the book was a litttle more than what it has, hope to see many more such works and more initiative from the author and his publishing house along with his dynamic team.

Kiran K Adharapuram


An ecstatic techie with 12+ years of experience currently outperforming as “IT DB Consultant” in one of the leading top-notch IT companies. With ample technological knowledge expertise and decent IT certifications under my belt plus impactful mastery of database knowledge of market-led providers

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